Charles chips

In a quiet corner of our friendly street,

Lives Amy, with a heart so kind and sweet.

She gifted me a treasure from the past,

A tin of chips, a memory that will last.

One day, in her kitchen, I did see,

A tin of #Charleschips, nostalgic glee.

I shared my childhood tales with a sigh,

And in her eyes, a twinkle, by and by.

With warmth, the very next day she left the tin on my doorstep,

A gesture that just felt so pure and right.

It brought back the memories I cherish.

Now in my office, it finds its new home,

That tin of chips, no longer left alone.

It holds the taste of laughter, days gone by,

And Amy's kindness, like a clear blue sky.

With every crunch, a memory's recalled,

Of childhood dreams, adventures uninstalled.

A neighbor's act of love, so genuine,

Has made this simple tin a prized design.

So here's to Amy, with a heart so pure,

A neighbor's kindness, of this, I'm sure.

In simple gifts, the sweetest treasures hide,

And in her friendship, joy flows like a tide.

Thank you Amy Duerk