On My Birthday.

It sure seems like just yesterday I was running across the pine-painted battleship gray wooden boards on the front porch of my childhood home. I would leap in the air just before the steps and land on the ground rolling into an Olympic-worthy gold medal pose. That is where I would greet my childhood friend, Tommy Canfield. Tommy had his signature white Skipper cap from Gilligan's Island and I would have on a very worn New York Yankees baseball cap.

From Minot Place, we would jump on our Stingray bicycles without cell phones, water bottles, or sunscreen and begin our unknown adventure. We would ride throughout the day exploring our world talking about what Jim West from the #WildWildWest would do, how high could #Superman fly, and where we thought the Batcave really was.

The world lost my friend Tommy this year but his playful spirit is still with me every day.

Today my contemporaries would think it’s childish for me to wonder where the Batcave really is, but, I still do... and so does Tommy.