The Barn I See.

Once upon a time, there was a humble barn standing just back from the main street. It was made of sturdy wood and had a high roof that protected what it kept inside from the rain, sun, and snow.

For many years, this barn like many others served as the heart of the farm. The animals would come and go, finding warmth and shelter within its walls. The farmers would store their tools and equipment inside, using it as a place to work and prepare for the upcoming harvest.

But as time went on, the world around the barn began to change. The farm grew old as homes and schools were built around it, and new technologies emerged that made it easier to grow crops and raise livestock. The barn, which had once been an essential part of the farm's daily life, began to lose its importance.

As the years went by, many barns stood empty and forgotten. The roofs began to leak, and the wood began to rot. Some may see It as a sad sight, a once-proud structure reduced to nothing more than a dilapidated shell.

But not me, I see its potential, I see past what it is, to what it was, and what it could be. Just like a life that may have been neglected. This barn like many others was a symbol of hope, a reminder that even the most neglected and forgotten things can be reborn and given new life. A true testament to the power of perseverance and the resilience of the human spirit.

#Story and photo from 11 years ago by #FrankGCaruso